Free Spirit Hi-S HW Barbel Rod

For the last five years a good chunk of my Barbel fishing has been spent on the Tidal Trent, it can be big, wide and bleak at times and really put your tackle to the test. Big tides and high flood water especially in winter dictate that the standard 1.75lb / 2.00lb test curve Barbel rods are just not up to the job.

I use a 5oz lead on normal levels and as the water rises following rainfall or with the big tides that can be 9m, I use anything from 8-12oz leads to keep the rig in place. To the traditional angler this must sound terrible but that is what’s needed on the Tidal so I needed a rod that could cope with those demands.

I went to see Simon on the Free Spirit stand and took a look at the Free Spirit Hi-S Barbel rods, they do four in the range and they look and felt fantastic.

In the range are: The Barbel, 12 foot, 2lb test curve, The Big Water, 12 foot, 2.25lb test curve, and High Water in 12 and 13 feet with a 2.75 test curve.

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I have been using the 13 foot High Water rods for two full seasons and can honestly say they are perfect for big river fishing and as a result I use them all season round on the Trent.

They are incredibly slim and light for their given power and a joy to play fish on, with the material used helping to ‘transmit’ more feeling through the blank. 2.75 test curve sounds to heavy but I can promise you they absorb the powerful runs of a Barbel with ease without pulling the hook out, with plenty of power to keep the fish away from the rocks that build up the banks of the Tidal. I comfortably cast leads from 5-12oz out into the river with ease making these a brilliant all year round rod for the Tidal Trent.

As with all Free Spirit rods there is attention to detail, they look lovely with the cork handle, clone seat, made of the same material as the rod and the nice touch of an isotope fitted into the handle above the reel seat.

I cannot over state how much I recommend these rods, in the two years I’ve used them I’ve caught over 300 Barbel to 16 plus and quite a few Trent Carp and the rods handled them with ease. At £379:00 they are a big investment but you’ll never need to look for another big river Barbel rod again.

RRP £379

1- River Trent 9 March 2019.JPG

Jack Pyke Hunter Boots


Jurassic Mountain Resort, Thailand